Haier Biomedical’s Complete Vaccine Cold Chain Solutions Approved by Myanmar CLL

On March 23, 2022, the launch ceremony of the China-Myanmar COVID-19 Vaccine Co-production Project was held in Rangoon. Chinese Ambassador to Myanmar Chen Hai, Secretary of Myanmar's State Administration Council Aung Lin Dwe, Minister of Myanmar Ministry of Industry Charlie Dan, and Minister of Myanmar Ministry of Health Thet Khaing Win attended the ceremony.  

According to Secretary Aung Lin Dwe, Myanmar was still suffering from the fourth wave of COVID-19 caused by the Omicron variant, and vaccination would be critical to ultimately defeat the pandemic. Myanmar was striving to achieve 100% vaccine coverage for the target population to further protect people's health and promote national economic recovery.  

In response to the government's policy of full vaccine coverage, CLL-Care for Life and Longevity has begun to vaccinate the population against COVID-19 in support of the local fight against the pandemic.  

From production to transportation and final injection to bodies, vaccines need to be refrigerated or frozen all the time. Any temperature fluctuation or temperature loss may cause the vaccine to lose efficacy.

For this, the Technical Director of Haier Biomedical explained that "the cold chain plays a key role in ensuring the safe arrival and successful inoculation of vaccines, drugs and medicines.”

“We are honored to have the opportunity of cooperating with Myanmar CLL. Hundreds of Haier Biomedical vaccine cold chain refrigerators, freezers and other critical medical devices have been put into use at CLL to help the local vaccination program and create a complete cold chain solution.”

So, how can Haier Biomedical's vaccine solutions ensure the safety and efficacy of the vaccines in the whole circulation process, and how to ensure appropriate vaccine storage temperature to maximize the effect of the vaccines? 

Vaccine Storage

Vaccines may require different storage conditions depending on their production technologies and varieties. As for COVID-19 vaccines, they comprise inactivated vaccines, recombinant protein vaccines, adenovirus vector vaccines, attenuated vaccines, and nucleic acid vaccines mainly and require different storage temperatures. Therefore, to ensure efficacy and safety, all vaccines need to be stored in professionally designed and manufactured refrigerators or freezers.

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For this purpose, CLL has purchased various professional medical equipment with different storage temperatures ranging from -86℃ to 2-8℃ from Haier Biomedical, including ultra-low temperature refrigerators, biomedical freezers, pharmacy refrigerators, and vaccine refrigerators. Haier Biomedical's products and solutions meet the storage requirements of different vaccines and different temperatures no matter in the current COVID-19 vaccination program or ongoing daily and future immunization treatment requirements or needs.

Vaccine Transportation

From delivery by the manufacturers to vaccination in various countries, vaccines generally need to undergo 2-4 times distribution and transfer, and, at the same time, they need to maintain active all the way through. Therefore, the transportation of vaccines requires specially designed tools and vehicles that meet the storage requirements of different temperatures to ensure the safety of vaccines throughout the journey.  

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Vaccine Transport Cooler

Haier Biomedical' s vaccine transport cooler can meet the transport requirements in a wide temperature range of -70℃ to 2-8℃. It has received wide market recognition with its superior temperature uniformity and thermal insulation, contributing greatly to the vaccine distribution and the last-mile vaccination.

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In addition, Haier Biomedical also offers vaccine refrigerated vehicles and mobile vaccination stations to make complete solutions available for vaccine transportation and mobile vaccination in remote areas. 

Temperature Monitoring

Particularly worth mentioning is that the Haier Biomedical RTMD device supplied to CLL can achieve real-time remote temperature monitoring, automatic recording and testing, and timely alarm, making intelligent management a reality and ensuring vaccine safety.  

Workers in the control room can monitor the status of the vaccines in real-time. Once temperature deviation occurs in the refrigerating chamber, the staff will be notified to solve the problem as soon as possible to ensure the safety of vaccines and or other lifesaving medical supplies.  

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Focusing on creating the best user experience, the Haier Biomedical full-scenario vaccine solutions can ensure vaccine safety throughout the process from production to transportation, storage, and vaccination to the last mile, contributing “Haier Biomedical's” strength to all global immunization healthcare networks.  

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