Haier Biomedical News

TwinCool Frequency Conversion ULT Freezer is here!

Haier Biomedical Cold Room Safeguards Uganda's Vaccine Safety!
Haier Biomedical's Uganda Cold Room Project was delivered to safeguard the local vaccine safety effectively.

Cold Chain Management, the Key to the Vaccine Storage!
Vaccination is key to reducing the spread and severe cases of COVID-19. For now, the approved COVID-19 vaccines worldwide mainly comprise three types: mRNA-Based vaccine, inactivated vaccine, and adenovirus-vectored vaccine. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the mRNA-Based vaccine has developed rapidly and become one of the most active fields of research.

COVID-induced 'new economy': Advent of outdoor camping, ready-to-cook meals, nucleic acid testing
COVID-induced 'new economy': Advent of outdoor camping, ready-to-cook meals, nucleic acid testing

Haier Biomedical Cold Chain Launch Event Held Successfully in South Sudan!
Haier Biomedical’s Successful Cold Chain Solutions Launch Event Held in South Sudan, Contributing to the Further Development of the Local Cold Chain and Healthcare Networks.

Haier Biomedical Solutions Make Laboratories More Environmentally Friendly!
Haier Biomedical laboratory products and solutions have provided the industry with the leading alternative to the scientific management of laboratory wastes, while ensuring safe, secure, efficient, and intelligent research, aiming at creating a green laboratory ecosystem. By introducing the concept of environmental protection into product design for source control, the Company ushers in a new era of green laboratories, which is not only of great significance to improving the scientific research output of medical institutions, but also reflects the social responsibility of an environment-friendly corporate.

Haier Biomedical’s Complete Vaccine Cold Chain Solutions Approved by Myanmar CLL
Haier Biomedical cooperated with CLL providing hundreds of cold chain equipment and devices to offer full-scenario cold chain solutions for vaccine storage, transportation, and temperature monitoring in Myanmar.

Haier Biomedical's Mobile PCR Testing Laboratory Contributes to the Fight Against the Pandemic with Improved Testing Capacity
Haier Biomedical's Mobile PCR Testing Laboratory contributes to the fight against the pandemic with improved testing capacity in Indonesia. After the deployment and application, the daily testing capacity per unit has improved from 2000 to 8000 with the testing time reduced from 18 hours to 2-3 hours at same time.

Featured Products|Medical Series Aluminum Alloy Liquid Nitrogen Tank
Generally speaking, the samples preserved by liquid nitrogen require long periods of storage, and have strict requirements on temperature, with - 150 ℃ or even lower. While such samples also need to remain active after thawing.