Support Vaccination in South Africa

According to an announcement by the South African Government, vaccination in South Africa will take a three-phase approach that begins with the most vulnerable in the population. The South African Government's target is to vaccinate 67% of the population by the end of 2021, which will allow the country to achieve herd immunity. In response to the government's request, Transnet, a company from South Africa has launched Transvaco, a new health train designed to bring Covid-19 vaccines to remote communities and places with limited healthcare resources.

The train follows a special rail-based healthcare service that has been in operation in South Africa since 1994. There are nine carriages with features such as a kitchen, dining area, storage facilities, security coach, and power car. Two accommodation coaches house healthcare personnel and other train staff, while the dedicated vaccination coach features individual consulting rooms. Such multi-functional carriages make mobile vaccination more convenient and user-friendly, while Haier Biomedical’s Ultra Low Temperature Freezer DW-86W420J, the effective cold chain solution for the entire "vaccine train", safeguards 108,000 vials of temperature-sensitive Covid-19 vaccines, providing the entire "vaccine train" with a safe and secure environment for vaccination. The specialized train is a great way to protect the community and achieve the desired vaccination outcome set by the government.

U-Biobank Network (28)
U-Vaccine Network (17)
U-Reagent Network (6)
U-Blood Network (5)
U-Laboratory Network (21)

Case Studies